Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Puppies at SITS

I spent the weekend w/ my pack at Atlanta S/m Solidarity’s annual weekend-long event: Spring in the South (SITS).  I highly recommend this event to anybody who can make it next year.  You get: Friday night meet-n-greet at the Eagle, several venders, 4 classes Saturday by a great line-up of presenters,  a puppy mosh pit, dungeon party Saturday night, a couple of more classes Sunday following breakfast… and they feed you four meals!  What I particularly liked about this event was that you have a wonderful line-up of classes by some really good presenters… but w/ small class sizes.  So you get a lot of what you’d get a beg kink con, but w/ like 60 (?) people there all together and class sizes of like 8 to 15.  So you got a lot of the “value” of a convention, but in a more intimate setting… and the classes could be more personal and hands-on…

What made this event all the better for me was that I got to spend the weekend w/ my pack.  It was really great for me to be part of the leather family and not just a welcome visitor.  And Sir presented a class on puppy play that was very good.  He had Tebow, Pepper, and I in pup-mode for the duration of the class… which was entertaining for us as well as the audience.  *wags*

This was also my first puppy mosh pit.  I know – that’s odd since I’ve been a pup for 7 years now… but I’ve never had the opportunity to pup-out w/ more than one other pup at a time.  But there were six of us in the mosh.  It was such a blast, and I believe I could have kept going for hours… but I think we wore Sir out.  He was alone monitoring the six of us… and there was quite a bit of mischief going on.  Imagine that! 

The dungeon party turned into one of the more "interesting" DM shifts I've had to date.  The first hour I was on shift, and Sir walked around w/ me and was constantly teasing my cock and slapping my balls... then he had the second shift and we continued to do the same.  Finally we ended up on the couch together, and Sir let me "relieve some tension."  :)

This weekend: Saturday is my 5th wedding anniversary w/ Ma'am... and Sunday is Atlanta Dominion w/ the pack.


  1. great cartoon!! wow and glad you had a great time

  2. dammit, causing uncontrollable laughter is not an approved form of breath play.

  3. LOL!!! Sir, if I did breath play on you, does that make me a Top now?

  4. That picture made me laugh!

    I don't think the table I was sitting at helped Sir Loki at all keep the pups in line. We had free head scratches and table scraps for all the pups that wandered over.

    See ya sunday!
